I got to hold a live Eagle Owl at the Leeds Owl Trail anniversary party yesterday evening... a little nerve wrecking as close up you realise what powerful animals they can be.

She came (with her handler) from the Royal Armouries in Leeds as our guest of honour!
This fella is less intimidating though, a little Leeds Owl Trail mascot with a t-shirt made-to-measure very kindly and expertly by Karen at Blueberry Park then I added my Leeds Owl Trail logo.
Looks quite good I think!

We had a great full-page write up in the Yorkshire Evening Post, a smaller version is online here; which was a great follow up to the one on the BBC website.
The article in the paper followed a week of school and Art Gallery workshops devised and delivered by the Owl Team, culminating in an exhibition of little owls placed on the map in Leeds Museum.
(picture of clay owls by Nick Moss Films)
On top of my busy time with the Leeds Owl Trail I'm also working on Christmas greetings designs for 2011 and bespoke Halloween invitations for October.
Variety makes makes my job such fun!
variety and unexpected requests...you can say that again! It looks fab ;-)